Advanced Tags
Redbooth Tags are an advanced method for adding additional fields to your Tasks, Conversations and Notes. The ability to label, color, categorize, and sort tags allows users to customize their task management more personally and effectively. Tags also includes settings for Priority, Status, and a flexible “Tag Group” option to create any category of related tags.
Apply a tag by clicking on the tag bar below the title of a Task, Note, or Conversation.
Tags includes several components that work to provide the ultimate tag experience.
- Tag Picker. Easily apply or create new tags.
- Tag Library is a central place for all of your tags.
- Tag Groups are custom lists or related tags (default includes Priority and Support)
- Sorting Tags. The tag ‘order’ is reflected in the Sort and applied to tasks in the workspace.
A few notes on Tags:
- Tags are saved at the organization level.
- We migrated any "#tags" created previously in your account to the library.
- The default tag color is slate grey. There are 16 total colors to choose for tags.
- Tag names are case sensitive. Spaces in tags are replaced with ‘-’
- You no longer create a tag by adding a #tag to the task name.
- Participants can create tasks, but only Admins can edit or delete them.
- Free plan: Create tags with default color. Default Priority and Status tags.
- Pro plan: Select colors, edit Priority and Status tags including tag names, details and tag order
- Business plan: Create custom tag groups.
Tag Picker
The tag picker contains all tags in your library, and allows for easily searching, creating and adding tags to tasks. This is the Tag element you will interact with the most because is it activated anytime you click on the tag bar in Tasks, Conversations and Notes. With the tag picker, users can:
- View all tags
- View tags by group
- Create new tags
- Quick access the Tag Library
The tag picker will auto-select available tags based on your text. When a tag name is at the top of the picker, simply click [Enter] to select. Click [Delete] to remove the applied tag. If the picker does not detect an existing tag, click [Enter] to create a new tag.
Pro and Business Admins can apply a color to the new tags in the Tag Picker.
Tag Library
The Library is a central place to manage all tags and tag groups in your Redbooth organization. Because of the power of tags, many of the tag settings are accessible only to Admins. When creating Tags, we migrated any existing "#tags" in your tasks and they will appear in your Library. Be sure to edit and delete any tags that are no longer important.
Creating Tags
Before creating a new tag, search to see if it already exists. If not, click Create Tag to get started. New tags are automatically added to the ‘ungrouped’ tags.
Free: Create custom tags
Pro and Business: Assign a color and group
Editing Tags
Before deleting tags, it may be good wise to simply edit them. Rename, change colors, and more. This change will apply to all tags used throughout Redbooth. If you have a lot of tags, it can take 1-2 seconds of the edit to update.
Only Admins can edit tags.
Deleting Tags
Sometimes a tag is no longer useful and is better to be deleted than misused. Deleting a tag will remove that tag everywhere it is used. This cannot be undone, so make sure you are deleting the right tags. If you have lot of tags, please note it can take 1-2 seconds to delete a tag.
Because of the potential mishaps with deleting tags, only Admins can delete tags.
Tag Groups
Add additional organization to your tags with groups. A tag group is collection of related tags, to easily manage and track your different tag functions and apply a sorting level when viewing tasks in workspaces. Tags with 1 will show first in the workspace sort. New tags will automatically be added to the bottom of the tag order. Drag and drop tags to reorder their sort.
Priority and Status
Every Redbooth account comes with two default groups: Priority and Status.
Pro customers can edit the tags in the default groups.
Business customers can create new groups for their specific tag needs.
Examples of Tag Groups that inspired this feature:
Task size: Small, Medium, Large. 1,2,3,4,5.
Time: Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, Years.
People: Users, teams, customers/client names
Personal: Anything that applies to your specific business or industry
You cannot repeat tag names in groups. Delete a tag group (Biz only) will not delete the tags. They will move to ‘ungrouped’.
Sorting Tags
Tags become even more powerful when organizing tasks in a workspace. Using the tag order that is enabled for each tag group, the sort can be applied to the list and column views of each workspaces.
Teams who wish to organize tasks in a specific order of priority, status, or any other way will be able to sort their tags in a single click from the Sort setting in the top right of the workspace.
A new Sort menu item powers all task sorting now. Users can apply one task sort (Due date, Assignee) and one tag sort simultaneously.
Tags on Mobile
Redbooth will offer the ability to view, apply, and create options on mobile devices. Editing and deleting of tags are not available on mobile.
On iOS, users can view and create tags on cards and tasks.
On Android, users can view tags on cards and tasks.