With Workspace Chat, you can collaborate with your team in a centralized location specific to each workspace.
Click on the Chat icon located at the top right corner of the workspace view to display the chat panel and access Workspace Chat as shown below. You can adjust the width of the panel by dragging the left border to the left until it reaches your preferred size. Closing the panel is simple and can be done by clicking the [x] in the upper right, dragging the left border all the way to the right, or double-clicking anywhere in the left border.
Message Notifications
If you tag @username
in a message, the tagged user will receive a notification. On the other hand, tagging @all
will send a notification to all members of the workspace.
New message notifications will appear as an overlay bubble on the Workspaces tab as well as the Chat icon in the workspace view as shown below.
Convert Message to Task
Converting a workspace chat message to a task is simple. Just hover over the message and click on the up arrow button.
File Attachments
When you upload files through workspace chat, they are stored within the workspace. To retrieve these files at a later date, simply navigate to the the files tab of the workspace.
Show Workspace Activity
Workspace Activity is designed to keep track of all actions performed within the workspace, serving as a sort of feed that displays the workspace's history. The following actions are automatically added to your Workspace Activity:
- members joined
- members left
- tasks created
- tasks resolved