The Task Card is visible in both the List and Column view. Task Cards help users to view more task data without having to click into the task. The Task Cards show
- Subtask count
- Multiple assignee avatars
- Orange border for tasks assigned to you.
- Comment count (coming soon)
More on Subtasks
The subtask counter includes two subcomponents. First, it includes the ratio of the # of subtasks completed and # total number subtasks. Second, at least one subtask is assigned to you, the subtask icon turns dark grey instead of white.
Deleted subtasks are not included this subtask. Neither are subtasks that have been converted into tasks.
Multiple Assignee Avatars
Task Cards now show up to 3 avatars of users assigned to a task. If more users are assigned a '+#' is shown to indicate how many more users are assigned to the task. For example, a task with 4 users assigned (that's a LOT, by the way) there will be 3 avatars followed by '+1'
Show/Hide Task Card Details
A user can choose to show and hide Task Card Details. For more information, please read this article.